Collected links
- Fred: “Of places and patents”. And this.
- Language Log: “Replicate vs. reproduce”
- A nice quantile regression use case
- The Guardian on the Oxford English Dictionary
- “Geopolitical Hedging as a Service”
- “How Making Something Better Can Make Everything Worse” which links here
- Cool NYT figure
- “stop() / return() Early for Shorter Code”
Example 2: This one is actually confusing. Likely also with context.
EN: Professors say, students are doing well.
DE: Professoren sagen, Studenten haben es gut.
DE: Professoren, sagen Studenten, haben es gut.
EN: Professors, students say, are doing well. - Jason Collins: “Angela Duckworth’s ‘Grit’: The Power of Passion and Perseverance’”